Friday, January 16, 2009

Written on December 17, 2008

When we first got together, you would always be the first thought to enter my mind when I wake up and the last thing to leave my mind when we'd go to sleep. You'd invade my thought throughout the day.

Throughout the years, sometimes you were my first thought, sometimes it would be whatever problem I had at work, sometimes it would be wanting to go back to sleep. And just the same, you are, sometimes, my last thought, or whatever problem I had that day, before I went to sleep. But you'd still invade my thoughts throughout the day.

When we broke up, you filled my thoughts all the time, so much so that I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't work. I would use work to distract me from thoughts of you but you still distracted me from work.

The day I found out that there might be another woman, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep and all the more couldn't work. I would cry worse and more than we first broke up. I had to kept digging and digging to get my answers because I couldn't believe you would be unfaithful to me, because I didn't want to see you in that light.

And you know what's difficult for me? You and her would be my first and last thought of the day. You and her would invade my thoughts throughout the day.

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